Flow Hub Portal Irish Rail

Hi, it's Simon & Caitríona Breslin here. First of all we would like to thank you for all the amazing work you do keeping us all safe travelling around the country and secondly thanks for taking the time out to check out our Rest Well tool.

This is The Flow Hub, our online learning and resource portal.  We hope you will enjoy the Rest Well tool audio and other resources

Rest Well Tool

Rest Well Tool
NSDR - 10 minute audio tracks

This audio is streamed via Soundcloud. Our top tip:  turn off the Autoplay function so you will have silence after your Rest Well experience. 

Presencing Practices

Presencing Tools (1-2 mins)

This audio is streamed via Soundcloud. Our top tip:  turn off the Autoplay function so you will have silence after your Rest Well experience. 

Mathew Walker - Ted Talk (19 mins)

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