Yoga Nidra & Meditation
We are now living in an age of information overload and mass distraction.
This “noise” from our environment is becoming overwhelming and getting in the way of our focus and self-control.
Taking time to slow down is a must in today’s chaotic World, Meditation and Yoga Nidra are the perfect practices to bring rest, peace and harmony into our daily lives, giving us access to our inner resource and resilience.

Yoga Nidra
Non-Sleep Deep Rest is a term coined by Stanford University Neuroscientist Dr Andrew H Huberman and refers to a deep relaxation practice also known as Yoga Nidra. It promotes deep healing and profound rest at every level of being: physical, mental, and emotional.
What makes Yoga Nidra/NSDR so accessible is that as little as a 10-15 minute practice, which is done by simply listening to a guided relaxation script, has been shown to restore cognitive function and reset energy levels similar to a nap but it has the additional benefit of also teaching you to self-direct your own relaxation. That in turn, can help you fall asleep more quickly at night, and fall back asleep if you wake up in the middle of the night.
Yoga Nidra/NSDR is usually done lying down and does not involve any physical movement.

Meditation is a wellness practice that has been proven to reduce stress, improve focus, and contribute to a range of mental, emotional and physical health benefits. Meditation is about training our awareness and getting a healthy sense of perspective. Meditation is practiced through focusing on our breath, sensations in our body or some other object of attention, allowing us to slow the busyness of the mind and quieten the noise from our everyday life.
“Let yoga nidrā help you rediscover your essence as a well-slept, creative human, fully awake to life's wonder”.
- Uma Dinsmore-Tuli, Co-Founder Yoga Nidra Network
My Journey
Caitriona has been using the practices of Meditation and Yoga Nidra (Non Sleep Deep Rest) for decades and has found these to be hugely beneficial to all areas of her life.
Yoga Nidra has helped as a tool to aid sleep and rejuvenate after periods of exhaustion due to full time caring for her daughter. Caitriona also uses Yoga Nidra to boost creativity.
A regular meditation practice has been life changing, in particular as a tool to cope in extremely stressful situations and to create head space allowing life to be lived in the moment. This calmer and clearer mindset has given Caitriona a new awareness about her power to choose her experience, resulting in more joy and vitality in her everyday life.
Caitriona’s love for Yoga Nidra and meditation led her to train with the World’s leading experts. She is a fully qualified Total Yoga Nidra trained facilitator with the Yoga Nidra Network, and is currently studying Yoga Nidra and Neuroplasticity. Caitriona has also completed an in-depth 285 hour Masters of Wisdom and Meditation teacher training with World renowned davidji.
Caitriona hosts online weekly Yoga Nidra sessions available through “The Flow Hub Portal’ membership.
Caitriona includes yoga nidra and meditation teachings in her weekly Embodied Yoga Classes, Workshops and Retreats and also runs Yoga Nidra and Meditation specific classes and events.

I really enjoyed Caitriona’s 5 week mediation course. There was great variety each week
and the guided meditations were so easy to listen to. Caitriona provided additional resources and links to interesting articles and other meditations.
Overall, I found this course very enjoyable. Caitriona is a great teacher and this course is a great way to get into a regular practice or to learn something new!

If you are looking for a meditation teacher you couldn’t ask for better than Caitriona, she has a lovey relaxed persona so her energy is instantly calming. She is a mine of information, extremely helpful and uses methods of meditation that will suit everyone. I thoroughly enjoyed the course and picked up some tips that I use daily and they have been really beneficial.

Brid Carrol
I joined Caitriona's meditation for beginners' group as a total newbie to
meditation....I just loved the end bit at the yoga During lockdown I was feeling very stressed...working full time and homeschooling. It was the best choice ever for me. Caitriona didn't put any pressure on...a very relaxed space to gift myself every week. I still don't have a daily practice but I go back and
give myself an hour every week when I'm stressed. She has provided so many
resources. The ones I go back to are her personal recorded ones. I think its because I like the familiarity. Loved my Wednesday time outs.
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