Embodied & Somatic Yoga Teacher Training Support Hub

Welcome to your online portal and resource hub for the Embodied and Somatic Yoga Teacher Training. 

Embodied Anatomy Practices

Rolling Down the Spine

Walking Down the Spine

Three Dimensional Spinal Patterns

Rocking the Spine

Embodied and Somatic Movement Practices

Axial & Apendicular Embodied Yoga Practice

This is a 83 minute Embodied Yoga class I recorded a while back themed around "Axis and Appendicular" exploring range of movement of the spine and its connection to our six appendages.  There is no background music so feel free to play some music if this supports your practice 

"Embodying My Spine" A Practice -Audio

This is an audio recording (1 hour 48 mins) of an "Embodying my Spine" master class (1 hour 48 minute) I taught that is very similar to our master class from module 1

Somatic Movement Masterclass
   (to follow)

Shoulder Exploration (from teacher training day 8th Feb 2025)

Somatic Movement Masterclass 

Thank you to everyone who joined me for  our "Hanna Somatics” Somatic Movement Masterclass, thank you for your deep engagement, it was wonderful to get your input and feedback from the session.

If you weren’t able to make the session live, that's all good, here is the link to the recording:

Passcode: Somatics

Here is a timestamp for your reference: 
(We did a short arriving and presencing practice before I began the recording, so you might like to do the same for 3–5 mins)

00.00 Discussion about our personal experience of Somatic Movement 
09.18 Introduction to Thomas Hanna and Hanna Somatics/ Somatic Movement Education
43.00 Walking enquiry, Movement Lesson
2.12.  Feedback 
2.23.  Final walking enquiry, feedback and closing

You might like to have a journal handy to take note of any insights, new information and experiences after the session. (words/ pictures)

So for most of you this may be your first real introduction to practice of Hanna Somatics, I invite you to take the time out for the full experience. 

I really hope you enjoy this experience of pure somatics and I look forward to your feedback, questions etc.

 Other Content

Embodiment - What is it?
What So What & How

Embodying My Spine - The Practice

Below see our own words for our

What …So What.. and How

Podcasts of interest

Tara Judelle talks Embodied Flow

This podcast interview with Tara Judelle, the co-founder of Embodied Flow gives some nice background information about how Body Mind Centering influenced  her Yoga practice and how this Embodied approach became Embodied Flow. 

More to come

More to come

Reading List

Sensing, Feeling and Action by Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen

Basic Neurocellular Patterns by Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen

Wisdom of the Body Moving by Linda Hartley

Yoga Anatomy by Amy Matthews

Yoga Mind, Body & Spirit: A Return to Wholeness by Donna Farhi

The Breathing Book by Donna Farhi

Body Stories, A guide to Experiential Anatomy by Adrea Olsen and Caryn McHose

Somatics, Reawakening the Mind’s Control of Movement, Flexibility and Health by Thomas Hanna 

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